
The Meadows

Primary School

‘Play Together, Learn Together, Achieve Together’





Welcome to the Meadows Primary School and to our Early Years page - we hope you enjoy looking through the things that we do in school and that you find the following information useful.  



A huge, warm welcome to all the Chicks and parents and carers who join us for their first year at 'The Meadows' this September and we are really looking forward to seeing you all again!

We are all delighted to welcome you to our class page and hopefully you will find lots of useful information and ideas below.


If you have any concerns or queries about your child, please e-mail EYFS directly on:

A member of our team will check these once a day, first thing in the morning  and get back to you.  If you need to let us know who is picking up your child up from school, this is the place to send it to. 

However, if something arises during the school day, please contact the school office to ensure we get the message.  

We will issue the children with a couple of 'Library' books by the end of the first week.  These are books that will be chosen by the children and ones for you to read to them for theirs and your enjoyment.  We don't expect the children to be able to read these themselves.  They will not have 'phonics' reading books which they can read for themselves until we have learnt all the Set 1 sounds which will be closer to October half term.


We have a PE slot on Wednesday afternoons. We will be asking children to come to school in their PE kits and they will wear these through the day and then come home in them. (Please see class booklet for information on PE kit)

Fridays are Fantastic Forest Fridays where we combine the children's Home Learning stories into a Fantastic Friday theme linked to what your child loves/has loved doing at home e.g. Dinosaurs, Magic, Vehicles etc.  We combine this with our use of the forest area too so please ensure that your child wear old warm clothes every Friday and brings in a pair of wellies or old shoes which you don't mind getting covered in mud. Thank you.


Please check your child's Tapestry account regularly so that you can see how they are getting on in school and see what they are learning about.  Tapestry is a great conversation tool too e.g. Look at a posted photo and ask your child to tell you about what they've been learning about today. 

It is intended that these online journals are not just for school observations but we would appreciate any observations, photos or videos that you put on there yourselves about your child's learning or achievements at home e.g. when they've achieved a swimming certificate or been really brave at the park etc.

The Tapestry journal is meant to be a snapshot of their home and school learning life and we love to see parents commenting on their child's achievements on here.  


With love,


The Early Years Team 

EYFS Curriculum Letter 2024-2025


We have lots of exciting topics coming up in the Autumn Term.  Here are some of the topics that we will be teaching the children about with a couple of links you can look at to improve your child's knowledge and understanding:

