
The Meadows

Primary School

‘Play Together, Learn Together, Achieve Together’

WRENS - Year 1


Welcomto the Wrens' Class









Welcome to our class page.

Teacher - Mrs Jeukens

Teaching Assistant

Miss Morris


Autumn Term 2023




The topic this term is ‘Animal Magic!’ The children will use a variety of methods (e.g. maps, Google earth, globes and internet research) to find out about animals and zoos all over the world. They will also visit Chester zoo. They will explore climate in different places and learn that animals’ physical appearances reflects their habitat. They will learn the about the 7 continents of the world. In History, the children will learn about Florence Nightingale and why she is significant today. In Music, they will listen to classical music, learn songs about animals and will experiment with dynamics and tempo. In Art they will create a sketchbook and practise using a range of media to explore animal patterns. They will look at famous artists such as Henri Rousseau, Franz Marc and Pablo Picasso. In Design Technology, the children will explore moving books and will design, make and  evaluate their book. The children will regularly use computers and will learn how to stay safe when using the internet, by following the SMART rules. In PE, the children will have one session with the PE coach and another  session of dance/ games.







If you have any questions or concerns regarding anything, please feel free to send us a message via the Seesaw app, contact the office to pass on a message or speak to one of us at the end of the day after 'pick-up time'.  Over the year, we will be using this webpage to post lots of useful and important information, such as home learning activities, useful websites and photos.

Here is a useful list of our regular class activities. (Please note that these may change on occasions)






PE: All children need to make sure they come to school wearing their PE kit on Thursday and Friday.

Navy tracksuit bottoms are optional to wear during colder days when outside for PE. These should be worn over shorts just in case PE is in the hall. 

Swimming: This will take place during the Spring term only. There will be 10 lessons. You will be informed which dates this will take place and what day/ times, nearer the time.

Homework: Reading and spelling:

Reading: Please listen to your child read as often as you can; daily is recommended. Your child will bring home a bookmark to collect your signature  every day which they read; only one signature per day, even if your child has read twice. Hopefully, they can 'sail around the world' with our reading challenge.

Spelling: Your child will bring home a spelling booklet which holds all the weekly spelling lists for the term. Please help your child to look at the spelling rule, and learn to spell the words in each list. They will have a spelling quiz every Friday. Week 1's spelling test will be on Thursday 14th September. Week 2s spelling test will be the following Thursday, and so on. Y

There may be homework sent home once the children have settled. I will try and make sure that these tasks are fun and practical where possible.

Spelling Test: Thursday - Children will be given 10 spellings to learn every week. They will follow the LOOK, COVER, WRITE, CHECK method to help them learn their spellings. You will be notified about their score via their bookmark.



Many Thanks

Mrs Jeukens and Miss Morris
At the bottom of the page I have added some useful websites for the children to play on. Please let me know of any websites that you would like me to add to this page. Enjoy!