Class timetable
Our topic this term is Castles
This topic will look at how, after the invasion by the Normans, many castles were built across Britain to assert dominance over the local population! We will also look at how castles developed from the early wooded hill forts to the complex and stone built castles built by the Normans. We will be looking at the geography of where castles were built as well as the various different parts, features and technology that developed around defending and attacking castles.
First half term
Second half term
This term, pupils will be looking at fractions and developing their use of division and multiplication.
In early June 2025 the Year 4s will be doing their 'Multiplication Check'. They are given 6 seconds to answer times tables questions up to 12 x 12.
It is therefore really important to try to find time at home for your child to practise their times tables as practising them frequently is the only way to establish fluency in this area.
We are of course practising these in school, but time and resources are limited and so individual practice at home is crucial.
There are some links to useful websites at the bottom of this page which can be used to practise times tables fluency at home.
For more information about the check, click on this link.
Swimming lessons. PE kits will need to be worn to school (plain white t-shirt, navy shorts or joggers, white socks, navy jumper or cardigan and trainers. A coat and hats/gloves may be worn on colder days.)
PE kits will need to be worn to school (plain white t-shirt, navy shorts or joggers, white socks, navy jumper or cardigan and trainers. A coat and hats/gloves may be worn on colder days.)
Music lessons will be on a Friday morning. Once children have an instrument this will need to be in school for the lesson. Regular practise at home is encouraged.
Weekly spelling test is on a Friday. These are practised in school each day and a spelling booklet is also sent home for the children to practise at home.
Mathletics - Multiverse A fun way to practise lots of different aspects of Maths.
Hit the Button Great, simple times tables practice.
MTC Practice A great website to practise a times tables test with a short amount of time for each question. This is similar to the statutory 'Multiplication Check' which all Year 4 pupils undertake in June each year. This website gives you 10 seconds for each question, whereas the 'real' test is only 6 seconds! This is also the webpage we use to assess the pupils' times tables each half term.
Mathletics Maths task may be set as homework on Mathletics.
Spellzone Practise games and activities for the weekly spellings.
Read Theory Practise reading and comprehension as often as you like. Log in and it will give you reading activities at a suitable level. Request your child's login details if interested.