
The Meadows

Primary School

‘Play Together, Learn Together, Achieve Together’

FALCONS - Year 6

Welcome to Falcons' Class Page

The teachers of this class are:

Mrs Cherrington and Mrs Griffiths


Teaching Assistants:

Mrs Graham & Mrs McCann 

Welcome Booklet

Autumn Term 2024

Throughout the topic ‘Pack up your troubles’ the children will learn all about World War II. They will find out when, why and who was involved in World War II and will consider the effectiveness of different sources.  The children will develop an empathy for the life of an evacuee child and make links to the role that Shropshire played in the evacuation.  As part of the music curriculum, children will learn some songs from World War II and explore that counter melody is different to harmony.  During the second half of term, as part of their Geography, the children will study a standalone unit based on trade.  They will understand how the UK trades with other countries, the global supply chain and the importance of Fair Trade.   Finally, in DT, the children will design, make a paper template and learn how to sew a variety of stitches before making a felt phone case.


For more information see the curriculum newsletter below.


Spring Term 2024

Please come back in spring 2025

Summer Term 2024

Please come back in summer 2025

Curriculum Letters

Home Learning Activities


It is our school policy to provide the opportunity for children to undertake regular, age-appropriate activities at home that support and help to consolidate the children’s learning in school.

Research has shown that children make better progress in school when parents and carers are involved and interested in their child’s learning.



Reading to an adult or reading independently for approximately 15 minutes a day.  Complete your reading card and return to us for   additional Dojos.


Maths/English work will be set on a Friday. The children have a week to complete the set work. Please return this work for marking on a Thursday.


The new spelling rule will be taught on a Friday with a test on Thursday. A spelling book will be sent home for the children to practise daily. This book does not need to be sent back into school.


The children will also have login details for, Mathletics and Spellzone.

These are excellent sites that will help children regularly practise skills they have learnt in school and provide children with a way of focusing on a certain areas that they perhaps feel they need to improve.


If you do not have access to a laptop, please let us know and we will try and support you with this.


Multiplication Tables

At the Meadows Primary school, we want to encourage and support your child to fluently recall their times tables up to 12, which is essential for future success in mathematics. Knowledge of multiplication and division and its applications forms an important aspect of the KS2 curriculum, and is the gateway to success at secondary school.

To encourage and recognise the hard work children put into learning their multiplication facts, we have a multiplication reward badge system. The reward badge system has 4 levels. To earn a badge children will need to score 14 out of 15 in each of the following multiplication tables when tested at school.

Bronze: 2, 5 ,10 multiplication facts

Silver: 4, 8 multiplication facts

Gold: 3, 6, 9 multiplication facts

Ultimate: 7, 11, 12 multiplication facts

Once the multiplication facts for each award have been achieved, your child will bring home a slip for you to request the purchase of the badge. If you wish to purchase the badge, each one will cost £1.00. Upon return of the slip to school, the badge request will be added to Eduspot where you will be able to complete the purchase. The badges will be presented to the children in Well Done assembly on a Friday and can be worn on the collar of their school T-shirt.

How can you help at home?

Use the following website routinely at home for the tables children are currently working towards securing.

Spelling Booklets

Summer Term

Useful Websites
