
The Meadows

Primary School

‘Play Together, Learn Together, Achieve Together’

FALCONS - Year 6

Autumn Term

Welcome to Year 6 - The Falcons


Your teacher this year is:


Mrs Fell with Mrs Graham and Ms Meredith supporting the class.


This term our topic will be ‘World War 2’. During our study of this topic, we will be learning about the Blitz and rationing. We will also be visiting RAF Cosford.


We encourage Year 6 children to read at least six times a week and to write a brief summary of what they have read. This can be sent to us via SEESAW. The children should also have login details for the online site where they can complete mini comprehension tests.


The children will also have login details for, Mathletics and Spellzone. These are excellent sites that will help children regularly practise skills they have learnt in school and provide children with a way of focusing on a certain areas that they perhaps feel they need to improve.


Homework will be set on a Thursday via SEESAW and will be expected back the following Thursday, again via SEESAW. I will be running a homework club on Monday and Tuesday for the children to catch up on any homelearning tasks they have not completed. If you do not have access to a laptop, please let the school know and we will do our best to provide you with one. 

I have also included links to literacy, numeracy and spelling websites which will assist your learning. If you know of any useful websites, please let me know so I can add them for other people to access.


Many Thanks,


Mrs Fell.
