Welcome to Eagles' Class Page
Class Teacher
Mrs Baggaley
Teaching Assistants
Mrs Graham and Ms Meredith
Our Spring Term topic is 'Around the World in 80 days'
In Geography, the children will locate countries and capitals, understand latitude and longitude, explore climate zones, and interpret map symbols. They will also learn a new skill, using six-figure grid references. In History, the children will discover the evolution of transport, learning about key figures like Nellie Bly and Gladys West. In Computing, children will engage with variables in games and spreadsheets. The PSHE curriculum covers health, online safety, and environmental issues. In Art, they’ll explore messages in various art forms. DT will focus on global rice dishes, while in Music, they’ll develop improvisation and composition skills through teamwork.
Thank you for your support,
The Eagles' Team
Useful information
Useful links
SATs Boot Camp
Our weekly homeowrk is set on SATs Boot Camp weekly. Please ensure that homework is completed by a Sunday. If you have any difficulties accessing the website, please contact us.
Children can access the Nessy Reading and Spelling programme at home. Using the website https://www.nessy.com/uk/ click on 'log in' in the top right hand corner. The secret word is bossywrench then enter your child's first and last name and click GO.
The children will receive a password to access Mathletics. Tasks will be set for the children and it would be helpful if they could practise at home.
Online SPAG and Read Theory Practise
The children have received passwords to access the SPAG and Read Theory practise questions at home. If the children could complete SPAG and Read Theory practise regularly at home, this would really support their progress at school. The tests do not take very long and the programmes enable the tracking of their progress both at school and at home, so you can see how they are getting on.