Welcome to the Friends of the Meadows (FOMs)
The Friends of the Meadows (FOMs) was established in 2015 with the aim of raising funds to benefit both the school and the children. In our first year we raised over £2600, a phenomenal start!
With the 2017/18 academic year up and running, we have started planning to deliver even more great events for children, parents and families.
Friends of the Meadows is made up of parents, all with different crazy schedules and challenges. Our aim is to make The Meadows Primary School even more amazing than it is and to give the children those extra special memories of school that they will talk about in adulthood.
If you would like to help us make memories for the children, with the added benefit of making new friends, please get in touch via email thefoms@hotmail.co.uk
No Cost Fundraising Through Amazon
Donate as you shop on Amazon, at no cost to you. Simply follow the link and search for Meadows - we are listed as The Meadows School Fund. All funds raised directly benefit our children.
Once you have selected school through the link above all you need to so is to remember to sign into your account through smile.amazon.co.uk.