
The Meadows

Primary School

‘Play Together, Learn Together, Achieve Together’

HAWKS - Year 5

Welcome to Hawks’ Class Page



Class Teacher:

Miss Liquorish 


Teaching Assistants:

Miss Lloyd 



This term, our topic is 'Bright Lights, Big City!'


This term, our topic is 'Bright Lights, Big City!' where the children will learn all about the history of Liverpool and the slave trade. We are hoping to visit the World Museum in Liverpool which will allow the children to learn more interesting facts about the slave trade and see some sights of Liverpool along the way!


To find out more about what we will be covering in each subject this term, please read our 'Spring Term Curriculum letter' which can be found at the bottom of this page.


If you have any questions or concerns regarding anything, please get in touch via seesaw where we will be more than happy to help and get back to you as soon as possible. Alternatively, please contact the office via telephone call or email for the attention of Miss Liquorish.


Timetable for Spring Term 2025:

Here is our proposed timetable for Spring Term. Please note that subjects may change days on occasions:




Mathletics: To help encourage maths skills, we have set the children up on an online programme called ‘Mathletics’. This is a fantastic resource which allows children to practise and improve their maths skills in a fun, interactive way. It provides access to maths games and ‘beat the clock’ resources so that children are faced with an additional challenge should they choose one! If you forget your child's log in details, please ask.


Nessy - If your child has a Nessy account, please allow them to access this at least 3 times a week. This is a brilliant programme which can help both their reading and spelling skills. Depending on their initial assessment, Nessy will set appropriate targets at a level suited for your child. To access this, please log on via  If you forget the 'secret word' for your child's account, please ask.


Spellzone - To help encourage spellings, we have set the children up on a program called ‘Spell Zone.’ This is a fantastic online program which can help children with their spellings. There are lots of different games on spell zone that are set to your child’s ability. To access this, simply visit


PE: Tuesday and Thursday.  All children need to make sure they come to school dressed ready in their P.E kit for these days. Please ensure that they are wearing the correct kit - plain t-shirts, shorts or joggers. Any children with earrings must be able to remove these for their P.E session, or they may not be able to take part due to health and safety reasons. On days where children do not have P.E, we hope to be able to take part in 'The Daily Mile' and they will need appropriate foot wear for this.


Swimming: Tuesday (Summer term only). All children will need to make sure they have their swimming kit in school for this day. Please make sure that all of their swimming kit is labelled. Any children with earrings must be able to remove these for their swimming session, or they may not be able to take part due to health and safety reasons.


Spelling Test: Friday - Children will be given 12 spellings to learn every week. 8 of these will include a set rule and the last 4 will be statutory spellings which they need to be familiar with by the end of the year. They will follow the LOOK, COVER, WRITE, CHECK method to help them learn their spellings.


Home learning: This will be set every Friday and will need to be completed by the following Thursday at the latest.  Usually, children we be asked to complete a maths, reading and spelling based activity. Please note that these are all short activities which should not take a huge amount of your child’s time. If you require any support, please let us know via seesaw and we will answer your queries as soon as possible. In order to minimise the amount of items being exchanged between home and school, homework with be set on Seesaw whenever possible. Spelling booklets can remain at home until they are complete. 



Many Thanks


The Hawks' Team 


At the bottom of the page, we have added some useful websites for the children to play on. Please let us know of any websites that you would like me to add to this page.




