
The Meadows

Primary School

‘Play Together, Learn Together, Achieve Together’


As you can imagine, this is one of the children's favourite topics!!  We learn about the true meaning of Christmas linked to Christian's beliefs.  The children listen to the Nativity story and make links from this Christian bible story to the things they see at Christmas time e.g. star/angel on tree, why Christians give presents etc all linked to the Nativity.

We discuss how this story comes from a long, long time ago and why Mary travelled on a donkey rather than in a car or taxi!

We look at the story, 'Dear Santa' and get the children to retell it and then add in some new presents to their own story.  

Here's a link to the Nativity story animation:

We also sing lots of lovely, energetic songs linked to Christmas including:

The Reindeer Pokey

5 Little Elves


