
The Meadows

Primary School

‘Play Together, Learn Together, Achieve Together’

ROBINS - Years 1 & 2


Welcome to the Robins' Class



Welcome to our class page.

Class Teachers

 Mrs Peebles (Monday-Wednesday)

Mrs Miller (Thursday-Friday)


Teaching Assistants

Miss Robinson


Y2 Maths Teacher

Mrs Jones


Spring Term 2025

The Voyages of Discovery!

The topic this term is ‘Voyages of Discovery’. The children will learn the names of six explorers (Christopher Columbus, Marco Polo, Ibn Battuta, Neil Armstrong, Nellie Bly and Amelia Earhart). They will learn about where the explorers came from, where they went and how they travelled. They will use a range of primary and secondary sources to find out about the main achievements of the explorers and why the journeys that these explorers made are still remembered today. The children will look at world maps to see where these explorers travelled to and they will compare the landscapes and countries explorers visited. In Music, they will listen to space-themed music and they will explore the tempo, timbre, dynamics and structure of musical  pieces. They will create their own soundscapes and begin to notate their own music. In Art the children will create a sketch book to record and explore the theme of space. They will explore ideas and will eventually design, make and evaluate a space-themed fabric tile. Our themes for computing are ‘Robot algorithms’ and ‘Pictograms’ . In design and technology, the children will evaluate ready-made puppets, investigate joining techniques, design, make and finally evaluate our own puppet. In PSHE, they will be develop knowledge around three themes: physical health and mental wellbeing, growing and changing and finally keeping safe. In PE the children will be learning skills for Basketball and also learning dance creativity.




P.E. Kit needed

Every Monday and Thursday- On these days, your child needs to come to school dressed in their PE kit. They will stay in their kit all day.

Plain white t-shirt, plain navy shorts, plain navy tracksuit bottoms (wear over shorts), white socks, trainers or pumps, school jumper and coat for PE in cold damp weather.


There will be no swimming for Robins class during the Spring and Summer term.


Spelling Tests

The children will be given a weekly spelling sheet starting on Monday  to practise their spellings at home, as well as having one in class to practise as they come in every morning. The spelling test will take place every Thursday.

Book change and reading

Once a week (Thursday). Please ensure your child has their books in their bag every day. Please record their reading on their bookmark (one box per day) and ensure it is in their bag to be rewarded with certificates and to record their spelling scores.


Year 1 Maths will be led by Mrs Peebles and Mrs Miller. Year 2 Maths will be led by Mrs Jones.


Many Thanks


Mrs Peebles, Mrs Miller and Miss Robinson


At the bottom of the page I have added some useful websites for the children to play on. Please let me know of any websites that you would like me to add to this page. Enjoy!

Robins' Class Booklet 2024-2025

Autumn Term 2024 Curriculum Letter

Spring Term Curriculum Letter 2025

Spell Zone Guide for Parents/ Guardians

Subitize Rock (soo-bi-tize) | Math Song for Kids | Jack Hartmann

Subitize to 10. Subitize is the ability to tell the number of objects in a set, quickly, without counting. Subitizing develops math fluency, when students recognize sets without having to count each object and it helps develop number sense and the ability to perform mental math.

The 10 Times Table Song (Multiplying by 10) | Silly School Songs

Kids will love learning their 10 times tables with this fun and energetic song. For more information and music, visit Lyrics: If you want to multiply a number by 10 All you have to do is put a zero on the end If you want to multiply a number by 10 All you do is put a zero on the end Alright kids!

5 Times Tables Song - Numberjacks

Learn your Five Times Tables with Number Seven's: Five Times Tables Song! Sing-a-long 1x5 = 5, 2x5 = 10, 3x5 = 15, 4x5 = 20, 5x5 = 25, 6x5 = 30, 7x5 = 35, 8x5 = 40, 9x5 = 45, 10x5 =50, 11x5 = 55, 12x5 = 60

2 Times Tables Song - Numberjacks

Learn your two times tables with the Numberjacks crew. Thanks for watching, kids! Subscribe for more Numberjacks fun! 1 x 2 = 2, 2 x 2 = 4, 3 x 2 = 6, 4 x 2 = 8, 5 x 2 = 10, 6 x 2 = 12, 7 x 2 = 14, 8 x 2 = 16, 9 x 2 = 18, 10 x 2 = 20, 11 x 2 = 22, 12 x 2 = 24.

Let's Count up to Ten - Counting Song

It's a counting song for young children. With superhero zero. This song was written and performed by A.J. Jenkins. Video by KidsTV123. Copyright 2012 A.J. Jenkins/KidsTV123: All rights reserved.

Articulation of Phonemes

A useful video clip showing the correct 'pure' pronounciation of phonemes (units of sound).
